Sunday, December 17, 2006

I was supposed to go swimming at sm's house today but mister showers didnt permit us to, so I decided to take up liesel's offer to go look for a bikini for her. I didn't get her reply so I surmised that she was already performing her dance, so I went to Marina to wait for her. Shopped around for awhile and tried out that black novo ballet pumps I wanted so much. Size 37 is too small, 38 causes me to walk out of it and 39 is just too darn big, such a pity. Such a pity. Anyway, I was so bored of waiting for her I headed for home. After buying a gingerbread man(yes, I LOVE him so much) at coffeebean in j8, I received a call from liesel saying that her phone was stolen. Haha. We were like those starcrossed lovers you watch on tv where both are side by side on an escalator, only going in different directions. One turns one way and the other looks the opposite, and they just miss each other by a hair's breadth. It was rather hilarious in a satirical, black comedy kind of way. And at least I got some fresh hair instead of increasing the statistics of myopia here by glueing myself to the idiotbox.

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